Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Philosophy of Plato and American Culture Research Paper

Philosophy of Plato and American Culture - Research Paper Example There are so many diverse cultures all around the globe which are based on some philosophies which can still be observed in the 21st century. Plato was one of the philosophers whose philosophy is eminent in the Western culture and it can be said that today’s American culture emanates the philosophy of Plato in a number of ways. According to Alfred North Whitehead, the safest generalization of the different characteristics of the Western culture is that it is based on the philosophy of Plato. The philosophy has not been adopted in a systematic way but it can be easily seen that the scattered ideas of Plato have been included in the culture (Lachs & Talisse, 2008). Platonism had already developed for a period of two millennia after Plato’s death after it had any influence on the American philosophy. There are a number of ideas found in the works of Plato that have played significant role in the development of American philosophy. The main three ideas that have influenced the American philosophy the most are; the importance of formal understanding of mathematics; the conception of nature as in process and the conviction that because of the roles of form in natural processes, value is a part of nature. Following is the comprehensive analysis of the influences that the philosophy of Plato has on the American educational structure and society in general. Plato’s Philosophy and American Education System American culture is influenced by Plato philosophy in some way or the other. There are a number of ways in which American culture intersects with Plato’s philosophy. One of the main examples is the system of State and education. Plato founded the basic concepts for a number of subjects which have been developed over time and they are taught in the educational institutes of America. Dialogues of Plato have been used in a wide range of subjects which include; mathematics, ethics, philosophy and logic. There are a number of ways in which people come across the philosophy of Plato, sometimes without even realizing it. Plato’s philosophy is considered to be the foundation for the democratic philosophies of education as he proposed a whole system of education. Plato always encouraged education in his philosophy and his teachings can still be observed in American culture. According to Plato; children with talent should be selected by the State from all the social classes regardless of the social position of the children. Plato considered children as the assets of the State and he suggested that the State should educate the children in order to make them eligible for the right kind of service to the State. Children should be educated in such a manner that they become fully trained for the kind of service they are to perform in the future. Plato suggested that the educated children may serve in; military services, city management and dialectic. The State should take the responsibility of the education of such talented ch ildren. According to Plato, the children should go through a comprehensive educational training which begins with gymnastics, music, and mathematics. Plato gave significant importance to the concept of mathematics and this philosophy of Plato has influenced American culture in a number of ways. The development of scientific methods in America

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Iegal concept working in restaurant Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Iegal concept working in restaurant - Term Paper Example It will seek to show what is legal under the law, the rights of the employee and the client under the law, and circumstances that can lead to claims from the customer. Basically, the Hospitality law encompasses a wide array of laws including the law of tort, contract law, real estate law, the law of anti-trust, among others (Barth, 2001). The degree to which this law relates to such laws has continuously evolved and changed accordingly to meet the dynamics of the hospitality industry. Nevertheless, this law is used greatly to set standards and guidelines that hospitality operators and employers use in offering goods and services to their customers. Typically, this law covers the history of how hospitality law came into being, the impact that state civil rights and federal laws have on the hospitality industry, and discussion of contract law such as how a customer enters into a contract with the restaurant employees or issues regarding reservations and overbooking (Langford, 2011). With the use of internet to make reservations and orders being on the rise, the Hospitality law has evolved to include such issues, as well. In addition, in the current world both the customers and the employees know their rights and the channels that they can use to launch complaints or make claims. In this regard, the Hospitality law has continually evolved as new and better knowledge keeps on emerging. In the recent past, cases of food poisoning and awareness of food illness have been on the rise with more people being interested in getting information about the restaurant that they eat from. This has brought the Hospitality law in restaurants at the front center of public conscience. In matters related to restaurant and food services, terrorists’ attacks against hotels have raised the importance of having hospitality law that will govern international affairs especially in the quest of protecting