Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Pros and Cons of Homework Essay - 939 Words

Homework: Does it Help, or Harm Us? When a class is almost over and a teacher starts assigning homework, every students heart drops. When students have an excess of homework, they do not do as well. Even though homework is a good tool to help teachers teach students subjects, teachers should give less homework because too much homework causes mental health issues in students and less homework helps improve test scores. The first reason teachers should give students less homework is that it takes away their childhood. When a student goes to school for seven hours a day, and then goes home to three hours of homework, they do not get to be a kid. It is suggested that student adopt an eight-eight-eight schedule. This schedule being eight†¦show more content†¦Assigning less homework in schools could reduce teen anxiety and teen depression rates (Kohn). The next reason too much homework is harmful to students is that studies show more homework to cause lower test scores. One to tw o hours of homework a week does not cause a major change in test scores (Wolchover). There is no evidence of homework having any academic benefit in elementary or middle school, and the academic benefit found in high school is very weak (Kohn). Homework is not shown to help students academically until grades ten through twelve (Wolchover). There is also no proof that homework increases good study habits in students (Kohn). On top of too much homework making standardized test scores lower, much of this homework is just busy work (Wolchover). Many teachers ask their student to re-write pages in a textbook. This just causes the student to spend time on something that has no real purpose. Remedial work has no positive effect on students. It just takes up more time (Too Much Homework Can Cause Stress, Depression and Lower Grades, Studies Suggest). Even homework that is useful in some way should be limited. Studies show that a students time is more useful when they play an instrument or a sport. Parents want their student to be good at many things. It is more important to be a well-rounded person than to ace all of your tests (Wolchover). One of the topShow MoreRelatedThe Pros And Cons Of Homework1413 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Homework, which has long been a battleground among teachers, parents, and students, is coming under more scrutiny than ever as the divide grows between resistors and its proponents† (Luke). Homework has been a part of every student s life since 1905 and recently has become a topic that people can not come to an agreement on. Students, teachers, and parents continually go back and forth everyday regarding the type of and amount of homework students receive. 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